How To Build Muscle And Strength At Home Without Buying Dumbbells, Barbells, Or Kettlebells.
The gym is worryingly quiet. When the pandemic hit a lot of people stopped going to the gym. Which I understand. It became a risk like everywhere. If you don't want to catch the virus then you have to stay at home right?
Unfortunately, gyms were labeled high risk early on…
Which put a lot of people off. Even though it's one of the most hygienic places right now. I digress. But with more gym-goers training at home, there's the risk of losing muscle and strength.You don't want your hard work to shrink into nothing.
It's been difficult to get hold of dumbbells, barbells and kettlebells too. Three of the main things we use to build muscle and strength in the gym. But you can build muscle and strength at home without dumbbells, barbells or kettlebells. How?
Resistance bands
With resistance bands, there's tension throughout the movement. Meaning they can help to build muscle and strength from home.
Think of resistance bands like a tug of war you're losing. There's a rope pulling you in the other direction. Your muscles work harder against that force pulling you back. The harder they work the more stress your muscles are under. The more stress they're under, the quicker you build muscle and strength. That how resistance bands work.
I'd been doing a lot of resistance band leg curls in lockdown. Once I got back to the gym, double-checked the weight I'd been lifting on the leg curl 4 weeks ago... BOOM. I was lifting 5kg more on each side.
I've been weight lifting for 10 years, so progress is a lot slower now compared to when I first started. But I haven't had this sort of improvement for years. So if you're training from home - and it's likely most of us will have too soon anyway.
Go and buy yourself some resistance bands. They're cheap too. Click here's to get the ones I've been using.